The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves – Spain Officially Becomes a Police State


The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves – Spain Officially Becomes a Police State

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On July 1st, 2015, Spain officially became a police state. There’s simply no other way to put it. The “gag law” passed late last year went into effect on that date, and if you still have any doubt about how extreme and oppressive these laws are, let’s take a quick look at a summary published by The Local:
1) Fines for protesting

Under the new law, anyone who organizes or takes part in an “unauthorized protest” could be fined between €30,000 and €600,000 if the protest takes part near institutions such as the Spanish parliament.

2) Distrupting public events
Disrupting events such as public speeches, sports events or religious ceremonies could face fines of between €600 and €300,000.
3) Botellón
The Spanish tradition of getting together with mates for outdoor drinking sessions looks to be officially over – drinking in public will be hit with fines of €600 under the new law. And teenagers won’t escape – Parents will be held responsible for the payment of their offsprings’ fines.
4) Social media activism
Using Twitter, Facebook or Instagram to call on people to protest will be fined under the new law, an attempt to put paid to the spontaneous protests that have proved very powerful in building the indignado movement.

5) Photographing police
People will be fined for taking unauthorized photographs of the police, a measure introduced with the argument that being publically identified could put officers and their families in danger.

For more click here: The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves – Spain Officially Becomes a Police State

 Street Democracy writes:

You cannot beat respect into someone-expect it to remain organically for a happy futuristic society!

Are the Spanish Police being used as some inquisitorial vengeance against the common population to dare question today's draconian infrastructure's authority?

It is a damnable atrocity towards any form of social democracy, against communities, nation states to inflict violent aggression to maintain social order.

Police States are evil with intense brilliancy of placing fear into the hearts and minds of people, that is mostly innately decent people.

I see democracy hanging on by a mere thread in most places where democracy is claimed to be exercised.

If enough people get involved, you'll maybe get a form of democratic systems play, otherwise draconian loss of rights enshrined into law, the police, the authority will do its best with crushing dominance to silence and disempower.

Police are wrong to smash, obliterate freedoms, pulverising the mind sets of those wishing to speak out against government, as democracy dictates too.
We cannot stand the stance of tolerance towards being threatened with a severe beating by police officers because psychopathic elites fear public uprising.

We should not live in fear against such brutality and harsh punishing state rules.

By Debbie Simmons-Street Democracy