Obama Is Creating a World Police Force While Destroying the U.S. Military


Obama Is Creating a World Police Force While Destroying the U.S. Military

Sunday 17th May 2015 at 11:30 By David Icke

‘In the recent past, I have documented how Jade Helm is, in some measure, about gun control and the use of foreign troops to enforce martial law. As if this is not offensive enough to the American people, these two factors, when combined, add up to the fact that the United States is creating a World Police Force.
Jade Helm will consist of gun confiscation and there is ample evidence pointing to this strong possibility and it started with a very concerning act that involved the Secretary of State, John Kerry, and President Obama as Kerry signed the illegal and unconstitutional UN Small Arms Treaty which effectively bans all private ownership of guns. There is one provision in the treaty that has received absolutely no attention in our mainstream media and that is the section having to do with confiscation and the use of foreign troops:
State parties to the ATT (i.e. UN Small Arms Treaty) “may seek assistance” in implementing the Treaty. The ATT indicates that a voluntary trust fund was established to promote the establishment of a multinational gun confiscation program. This statement brings in the “legitimized” use of foreign troops in order to enforce international law on American citizens in direct opposition to the Constitution.’
Read more: Obama Is Creating a World Police Force While Destroying the U.S. Military