The Mark: Will You Wear This ‘Beast Tech’ Digital Tattoo That Can Read Your Mind And Operate Your Devices?

The Mark: Will You Wear This ‘Beast Tech’ Digital Tattoo That Can Read Your Mind And Operate Your Devices?

Street Democracy writes: 

A sinister agenda. A sinister monopolisation of force over our society.

Controlled by computer's, televisions and the full sinister digitalisation of our lives.

To witness the catastrophic leap forward for the microchip, the certified Draconian architecture, the final stage of us, as we watch the human race be cloaked in corporate horror of full digitalised pre-programmed, system of mind control.

All controlled by remote, like militarised aircraft drones massacring and slaughtering innocence across the Middle East.

Cowardly attacks by faceless human robots, emotionless and void of empathy will remote control the human race.

It is important to read this article and we need to stop accepting, tolerating gutter corporate policies that should have us stand in outrage!

Click here for more:

The Mark: Will You Wear This 'Beast Tech' Digital Tattoo That Can Read Your Mind And Operate Your Devices?

Tuesday 28th April 2015 at 10:10 By David Icke

‘Many of the real-world applications for DNA modification technologies are still some years out but the evolution towards technologies that will change a human to a cyborg are taking place right now.
Take, for example, a new tattoo that is applied behind the ear. Once installed and integrated, the tattoo will not only act like an EEG and be able to identify your moods, but it will also be able to “listen” to your brain to launch applications, control home devices like your coffee machine or TV on demand, and they’ll eventually even eliminate your mobile phone because the speaker and microphone will be built right in.
It promises to let us monitor our brains discreetly 24 hours a day, and can be worn continuously for two weeks, staying put whether you’re swimming, running or sleeping.’
Read more: The Mark: Will You Wear This 'Beast Tech' Digital Tattoo That Can Read Your Mind And Operate Your Devices?