Classes of 70, four-year-olds forced to commute for three hours and a roof turned into a playground: Why no one will admit immigration is the reason Britain’s primary schools are bursting at the seams
Classes of 70, four-year-olds forced to commute for three hours and a roof turned into a playground: Why no one will admit immigration is the reason Britain’s primary schools are bursting at the seams
‘Next Tuesday at 6.50am, Olivia will leave home to begin the first leg of her three-hour daily commute.
he journey will cost £35 a week and involve no less than three buses each way — assuming, of course, that everything runs smoothly.
Even for the most dedicated employee, it’s not the best way to start and finish a busy day. But for a four-year-old beginning school for the first time, it could hardly be less appropriate.
Due to over-crowding at her local primary school, that is the situation Olivia finds herself in — a situation that her mother, Melissa Stowe, is understandably furious about.’
Read more: Classes of 70, four-year-olds forced to commute for three hours and a roof turned into a playground: Why no one will admit immigration is the reason Britain's primary schools are bursting at the seams