Try Israeli soldiers for war crimes: Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki


Try Israeli soldiers for war crimes: Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki

‘The Palestinian government has called on the United Nations and foreign states with citizens serving in the Israeli army to investigate and try them for war crimes committed during Israel’s latest onslaught on the besieged Gaza Strip.
Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki sent a letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and the governments of the UK, US, France, Australia, Canada, South Africa and five Latin American countries on Tuesday, reminding them that all states are obliged under international law to probe alleged violations, including war crimes, committed by their nationals.’
He added that governments should warn their citizens that they could be liable for investigation and prosecution.’
Read more: Try Israeli soldiers for war crimes: Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki

The Continual, Unconscionable Failure to Punish Israel for its Crimes Against Humanity

‘After more than sixty years of being paralysed into silence by the Zionist venom — the stigma of anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial — that prevented condemnation of incalculable cheating, lying, stealing, murdering, and ruthless violation of the legal and natural human rights of the Palestinian people by a nation devoid of conscience, humanity, or any of the noble principles of the religion to which it claims to belong, the world in general and the West in particular have once again been witness to Israel’s latest arrogant, barbaric, and contemptuous assault on international law and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.’
Read more: The Continual, Unconscionable Failure to Punish Israel for its Crimes Against Humanity

Wikileaks Advisor Says Israel Can Be Charged for War Crimes, and US for Complicity

‘Israel is implementing the Dahiya Doctrine in Palestine at the moment, argued Michael Ratner, legal adviser to Wikileaks. The doctrine is named after the village of Dahiya, in Beirut, which was destroyed during the 2006 Lebanon War (also known as the Israel-Hezbollah war).
In an interview with The Real News, Michael Ratner, also President Emeritus of the Center for Constitutional Rights in New York, discussed his work with 2008 Wikileaks cables fom the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel.
​In the cable from the U.S. embassy Israeli army officers mentioned the ‘Dahiya Doctrine’. One of them, General Eisenkot, said that, in relation to the doctrine, ‘Israel will use disproportionate force upon any village that fires upon Israel … causing great damage and destruction.”
Read more: Wikileaks Advisor Says Israel Can Be Charged for War Crimes, and US for Complicity