Over 90% of USA’s ‘staple crops’ now GMO – the killers of the ‘New Frontier’
Over 90% of USA’s ‘staple crops’ now GMO – the killers of the ‘New Frontier’
‘According to the United States Department of Agriculture, genetic engineering of US corn, beets and soy has increased from 65 percent in 2006 to a shocking 90 percent in 2013. Why do so many countries around the world outright reject GMOs when America is forcing them down the throats of the general population without so much as a label for the victims to distinguish? If the word victim sounds drastic, it’s time to consider just what it is humans are consuming on a daily basis, and how it shows up in hundreds of thousands of food items and ingredients sold in just about every store.’
Read more: Over 90% of USA's 'staple crops' now GMO – the killers of the 'New Frontier'