Did Hitler really put fluoride in the water at concentration camps? If so why do we put it in are water?


Did Hitler really put fluoride in the water at concentration camps? If so why do we put it in are water?

‘Yes, fluoride was used in Nazi Concentration camps and the gulags in Siberia to make prisoners docile and easier to control. It is also absorbed through the skin when bathing, showering, or swimming in fluoridated water. You absorb through the tissues of your mouth when brushing your teeth.
You don’t have to swallow it. Cooking with fluoride in water concentrates it in food and beverages. You can’t cook it out. Only 50% of it can be excretes by the body so it is a cumulative toxin leading to many health problems. Twenty-four studies have also shown it lowers IQ’s in children.’
Read more: Did Hitler really put fluoride in the water at concentration camps? If so why do we put it in are water?