They plot plan and scam for WW3-UK prepares to join the US in air strikes: Cameron and Obama face intense pressure to act decisively against terrorist state as they arrive at Nato summit


UK prepares to join the US in air strikes: Cameron and Obama face intense pressure to act decisively against terrorist state as they arrive at Nato summit

Street Democracy writes: 

The rot is apparent and the decay is spreading upon our political landscape as wealthy corrupt ruling elites pursue their profit making machine of war.

Polices void of emotion, empathy and soul, spirited away by brutal politics, an intimate rape upon our minds, our bodies and our lives.

The inhuman violant impulses from aristocratic minds, abandon the pleas from the public demanding peace, no war, no mass slaughter, but Cameron speeds on regardless.

This corporate Tory onslaught is inevitable.

Our Tory government bathed with privilege and corporate profits, ignore careering us towards World War 3 with manufactured trained fanatics called 'terrorist's'.

This is an agenda known since Albert Pike who wrote in Morals and Dogma, (See pages for book) has been orchestrated by our invisible hands of government.

For more on our corrupt political spectrum click here or continue reading:

UK prepares to join the US in air strikes: Cameron and Obama face intense pressure to act decisively against terrorist state as they arrive at Nato summit

‘David Cameron and Barack Obama will today prepare the ground for multi-national air strikes against Islamic State and for sending troops to form a Nato training force in Iraq.
There is intense pressure on Mr Cameron and the US President to use a Nato summit to act decisively against the ‘terrorist state’.
In Britain, cross-party support for joining US military action was increasing.’
Read more: UK prepares to join the US in air strikes: Cameron and Obama face intense pressure to act decisively against terrorist state as they arrive at Nato summit