Britain’s latest counterterrorism disasters. The truth about renditions and detentions at the island of Diego Garcia has to be revealed


Britain’s latest counterterrorism disasters. The truth about renditions and detentions at the island of Diego Garcia has to be revealed

‘The last few weeks have been challenging for the British government and its counterterrorism policies – and for a good reason. Ever since the war on terror began, in the wake of the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the UK has happily embraced the lawless novelties conceived by the Bush administration – including extraordinary rendition and indefinite detention without charge or trial.
One aspect of Britain’s complicity in extraordinary rendition involves the island of Diego Garcia, in the Indian Ocean, a British Overseas Territory that has been leased to the US since the 1970s. In December 2002, it was first reported, in the Washington Post, that Diego Garcia was “one of a number of secret detention centers overseas” where the CIA was holding and interrogating prisoners of the “war on terror”.’
Read more: Britain's latest counterterrorism disasters. The truth about renditions and detentions at the island of Diego Garcia has to be revealed