Toleration of Israel’s inhumanity condemns UK’s leaders – Our ‘Three Stooges’ must go
Toleration of Israel’s inhumanity condemns UK’s leaders – Our ‘Three Stooges’ must go
‘What’s the latest score in this shoot-fish-in-a-barrel spectacle enjoyed by beer-swilling Israelis in deckchairs from the hillsoverlooking Gaza? 460 Palestinian children and 250 women murdered… 1,938 souls exterminated altogether so far. Not only that, but nearly 2,900 little ones are injured or maimed. Half a million people have been cruelly displaced, their homes reduced to rubble. All are starving and thirsty and lack the most basic necessities.
The hideous thing is the response – or lack of it – from Britain’s leaders. They are unmoved in spite of Britain’s primary responsibility for creating this tragedy. Where is the anger, the passion, the determination to ACT?
We know about David Cameron, our inglorious prime minister. In some quarters he’s called Agent Cameron owing to his declared Zionist affiliation and unswerving adoration of the Jewish state. “I am a passionate friend of Israel – and that’s the way it’s going to stay,” he told a Conservative Friends of Israel lunch.’
Read more: Toleration of Israel’s inhumanity condemns UK’s leaders – Our ‘Three Stooges’ must go