Tories tell Miliband: You are hampering bid for peace in Gaza after Labour leader attacked Cameron’s response to the crisis
Tories tell Miliband: You are hampering bid for peace in Gaza after Labour leader attacked Cameron’s response to the crisis
‘Ed Miliband’s ‘ultra-critical’ attack on David Cameron’s response to
the Gaza crisis will hamper Britain’s ability to help bring about peace
in the Middle East, the Tories said yesterday.
The Labour leader criticised the Government for its ‘inexplicable silence’ over civilian casualties in the Palestinian territory and its failure to tell Israel that its actions are ‘unacceptable and unjustifiable’.
Yesterday Justice Secretary Chris Grayling hit back, saying ultra-critical comments about Israel would make it harder for Britain to help find a peaceful solution.
And Downing Street accused Mr Miliband of playing politics with the Middle Eastern conflict because he feels the public is increasingly taking the side of the Palestinians.’
Read more: Tories tell Miliband: You are hampering bid for peace in Gaza after Labour leader attacked Cameron's response to the crisis

The Labour leader criticised the Government for its ‘inexplicable silence’ over civilian casualties in the Palestinian territory and its failure to tell Israel that its actions are ‘unacceptable and unjustifiable’.
Yesterday Justice Secretary Chris Grayling hit back, saying ultra-critical comments about Israel would make it harder for Britain to help find a peaceful solution.
And Downing Street accused Mr Miliband of playing politics with the Middle Eastern conflict because he feels the public is increasingly taking the side of the Palestinians.’
Read more: Tories tell Miliband: You are hampering bid for peace in Gaza after Labour leader attacked Cameron's response to the crisis