Water costs skyrocket 1,000% where half the nation’s fruits, vegetables and nuts are grown


Water costs skyrocket 1,000% where half the nation’s fruits, vegetables and nuts are grown

‘It is not as if there aren’t any economic factors influencing the price of groceries these days. Transportation alone, thanks to skyrocketing fuel prices, has lifted the cost of everything we buy at the grocery store. Now, one of the worst droughts in U.S. history is making the one thing absolutely vital for food production — an ample water supply — more expensive as well, and that, ultimately, will translate into even higher prices at the market.
To set the stage, back in February the U.S. Bureau or Reclamation released its first outlook of the year, in which the agency found insufficient water stocks in California to release to farmers for irrigation. That was the first time in the 54-year history of the State Water Project that had happened.’
Read more: Water costs skyrocket 1,000% where half the nation's fruits, vegetables and nuts are grown