Can DMT Connect Us To Parallel Universes?


Can DMT Connect Us To Parallel Universes?

‘DMT, which is easily one of the most powerful psychedelic drugs, could provide a method of access to other planes of existence, according to Rick Strassman’s book DMT: The Spirit Molecule. It could be that these other planes are always there and available, but we just can’t perceive them. Our brains are programmed for normal, not multidimensional perception.
But what if DMT could lead us to other universes? Theoretical physicists think that parallel universes could possibly exist, based on the phenomenon of interference. You can demonstrate this phenomenon by allowing light to pass throw a narrow hole in cardboard. Different rings and colorful edges appear on the screen where the light falls – not just the outline of the cardboard. More complex experiments have been done, and researchers think the existence of a kind of invisible light particle collides with those we can see and this refracts light in ways not previously known. Neat!’
Read more: Can DMT Connect Us To Parallel Universes?