US Federal Judge Envisions ‘Rape License’ For ‘Right To Rape’
US Federal Judge Envisions ‘Rape License’ For ‘Right To Rape’
‘It would seem that Posner’s contempt for tradition extends to all things sexual, up to and including the puritanical presupposition that it’s always wrong for a man to rape a woman. This idea, according to Posner in his 2011 book “Economic Analysis of the Law” (8th edition), is evidently an equally archaic tradition that, like the institution of natural marriage, needs a significant overhaul.
Posner’s suggestion? Perhaps it’s time the government begin issuing “rape licenses” (I kid you not) since, and based upon an exclusively utilitarian and morally relative cost-benefit analysis, the “right to rape,” for some men at least, “exceeds the victim’s physical and emotional pain.”’
Read more: US Federal Judge Envisions ‘Rape License’ For ‘Right To Rape’