Student loan debt is exploding. Total nationwide student figure now stands at $1.2 trillion
Student loan debt is exploding. Total nationwide student figure now stands at $1.2 trillion
‘In the coming days, the Senate is expected to vote on the Bank on Students Emergency Loan Refinancing Act, which would help ease this debt burden for millions of borrowers by cutting the interest rates on existing student loans. Earlier this summer, a large majority – 58 senators, including every Democrat, every Independent and three Republicans – were ready to take up the bill, but Republicans filibustered it, refusing to even debate the legislation. We may have lost that vote, but we’re not ready to give up. More than 750,000 people have signed petitions in support of student loan refinancing, and momentum continues to grow.’
Read more: Student loan debt is exploding. Total nationwide student figure now stands at $1.2 trillion