From Psychopathic Matrix to Culture of Empathy
From Psychopathic Matrix to Culture of Empathy
‘Observing the current trend in world events, from the endless Western “war on terror” which has justified the trail of orchestrated chaos, genocide and ruin across the Middle to the attempts to instigate WW3with Russia and China in a orgy of MADness; from the head-chopping, organ eating amoral ISIS entity, to the widespread geo-engineering and biocide of all living systems on the planet, one cannot avoid the impression that we live in a Psychopathic Control Matrix, a contrived, fear-based toxic reality, engineered by a small but powerful element in the society.
Their mental processes differ vastly from the majority of decent humans who are generally not consumed by excessive greed or lust for power. Most human beings do not wish to harm others, and moreover actually want to be a force for good and a constructive contributor to the society.’
Read more: From Psychopathic Matrix to Culture of Empathy