It Isn’t Ferguson: It’s the USA


It Isn’t Ferguson: It’s the USA

‘Now that almost all mainstream political and media mind managers have responded, in horror, sympathy or skepticism, to the most recent – as this is written – police killing of an unarmed black man, it is time to consider radical action for social change as opposed to the usual reactionary individual reform.
The attention given this latest outrage has been greater than ever before, which is good no matter what form it takes. Most often it has been understandably critical of the police action, though not many will publicly shout “great” at any alleged racially motivated killing unless they are brain dead, or racists, or more likely both.’
Read more: It Isn't Ferguson: It's the USA

Ferguson MO: Another Manufactured Media Crisis?

‘In the back of my mind, I had in fact connected the fake Marathon event from last year with this one, because both involved martial law exercises.
But somehow, while it was completely obvious to me that Boston was a pretext for testing what it takes to get a predominantly white urban and suburban region to cheer on martial law, in a way I took Ferguson at face value. Silly me. The thing is, in conversation with a friend just after the event, I pondered how blacks must feel after that black guy in Staten Island was viciously murdered, on tape, by cops, for no reason, just the other day. Made sense that America’s black people, who feel united in such matters, would make the connection more easily than the typical white person.’
Read more: Ferguson MO: Another Manufactured Media Crisis?

US to review militarisation of police in aftermath of Ferguson riots

‘President Barack Obama has ordered a comprehensive review of policies that have encouraged police departments across the United States to acquire ever greater quantities of military kit that was once the reserve of professional soldiers.
Likely to be welcomed by many on Capitol Hill and particularly Democrats, the move has been spurred by events in Ferguson, Missouri, where mostly peaceful protests over the killing by a police officer of black man Michael Brown were met over several nights by lines of body-armoured police brandishing automatic weapons, and in some cases riding mine-resistant military-style vehicles.
The death of Mr Brown, whose funeral is to be held in Ferguson on Monday, and the subsequent protests dominated the American newscasts for days in part because of the police response to the protests that to some seemed gravely overblown. Even before the White House indicated the President’s unease, members of Congress also signalled a determination to re-examine existing policies and hold hearings next month.’
Read more: US to review militarisation of police in aftermath of Ferguson riots