Police Force Blood Samples Outrageous Violation Upon Citizens-Vampire Cops to Establish Nazi-style Checkpoints Over Labor Day Weekend


Vampire Cops to Establish Nazi-style Checkpoints Over Labor Day Weekend

Street Democracy writes:

The agenda is clear. That is Agenda 21 is clear.

Control all citizens with more laws, more rules and claim to protect citizens but are really violating them further by removing their freedom and their privacy in one.

In the name of pursuing drunk drivers, all drivers must submit to police interrogation or face arrest and incarceration.

The punishing state principle is to criminalise all members of the public and by taking their blood, the police data base will collect millions of citizens DNA and details.

This 'Gulag' mentality of deliberately destabilising society will engineer civil unrest by detaining and provoking unnecessarily citizens just living their lives.

Our streets have become open prisons and we the people are loose like 'free range chickens' with invisible bars.

Draconian laws of installing biological micro chips or you're a terrorist will be the next stage.

For more on the amplifying of the Police State click here:

Vampire Cops to Establish Nazi-style Checkpoints Over Labour Day Weekend

‘The police state will be rolling out in full force this Labor Day weekend, as police departments in several states prepare to violate their citizens’ Fourth Amendment protections, under the guise of keeping drunk drivers off the road.
Cops nationwide are warning holiday revelers they will be subject to mandatory blood draws if an officer merely suspects them of driving under the influence.
The practice, termed “no refusal,” involves police administering roadside sobriety tests, alcohol breath tests or forcibly extracting blood samples without a person’s consent, securing evidence which would aid a future conviction. A judge is typically on hand to issue search warrants, attempting to give the illegal blood draws an air of legitimacy in the face of blatant constitutional violations.’
Read more: Vampire Cops to Establish Nazi-style Checkpoints Over Labor Day Weekend