Why Does a Florida County Police Department Need Eight $18 Million Apache Attack Helicopters?


Why Does a Florida County Police Department Need Eight $18 Million Apache Attack Helicopters?

‘Earlier this week we published a link to an online database where you can look to see what kind of military equipment your local county is stockpiling. Several other publications have linked to this database as well. I heard from a couple of people that it might not be a 100% comprehensive list, but others are discovering that, whether it is comprehensive or not, there is a lot to be learned from looking in that database.
Imagine looking and finding out that your county police bought 8 Apache Helicopters and had done so over three years ago. That is exactly the experience from one person who searched the database for purchases in Brevard County, Florida.’
Read more: Why Does a Florida County Police Department Need Eight $18 Million Apache Attack Helicopters?