Chemical-free Beauty Secrets: African Black Soap

 Dudu-Osun, an original Nigerian-made soap
Black soap is a prized health and beauty product that you've probably never heard of. It has long been used for problem skin and has incredible clearing and healing properties, which this writer can personally attest to. It cleans, moisturies and nourishes skin and has been shown to reduce any skin conditions the user might have such as eczema, stretch marks, scars and wounds that are currently healing, skin allergies, dermatitis, fungal infections, wrinkles, blemishes and extremely dry and flaky skin.

 Generally composed from Raw Shea Butter, Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, Cocoa Pod and Palm Tree Oil, it can provide plenty of nutrients, minerals,proteins and anti-oxidants that the skin needs to help repair and restore itself to its natural vitality. It's chemical free and made only from 100% organic and pure ingredients, providing a light and fresh all-natural scent that gently cleanses without irritating sensitive skin conditions.

Instead of slathering harsh chemicals onto your delicate skin it would be wise to start using healthy organic products like this that are genuinely good for you.

When purchasing Black soap, make sure it's from West Africa and not made in the US or Europe. Soaps from these countries are mass produced and often contain artifical ingredients that deviate from the traditional recipes.


Texas Ranger Drops Jade Helm Bombshell: ‘There Are Trains With Shackles On Them’ – Claim


Texas Ranger Drops Jade Helm Bombshell: ‘There Are Trains With Shackles On Them’ – Claim

Thursday 30th April 2015 at 10:44 By David Icke

‘The reports about the coming Jade Helm 15 operation across the southwest continue to suggest that this is not merely a standard training exercise to prepare our military personnel for foreign engagements as has been suggested by officials.
A letter sent to Dave Hodges at The Common Sense Show by a concerned Texas Ranger indicates that the government is preparing for a scenario similar to what has been described in William Forstchen’s recent novella Day of Wrath in which ISIS terrorists cross the southern border of the United States and simultaneously attack soft targets across the nation.
But the letter doesn’t stop there. The Ranger, who has kept his identify private for obvious reasons and makes clear that the scope of Jade Helm is so secret that the intent is not completely clear, says that the JH15 mission objectives may go much farther than just preparing for terrorists.’
Read more: Texas Ranger Drops Jade Helm Bombshell: 'There Are Trains With Shackles On Them' – Claim


Pressure mounts on Tony Blair to answer questions over minister child sex abuse cover-up claims


Pressure mounts on Tony Blair to answer questions over minister child sex abuse cover-up claims

Street Democracy writes:  
This first picture proves Westminster is deeply embedded in the shameful act of child rape and paedophilia.

This man named Tony (mass murderer) Blair, sinks to the lowest levels but still stands up straight, sleeps at night and struts around as a father, a husband and a public figure.
Does this man have any concept of his crimes?
He has no conscience, is morally bankrupt and is deeply psychopathic. His past history proves that.

Invading Iraq to muscle in on the nation's natural resources, kick out the legitimate government for an American interim puppet one and take over the nation while the people suffering from mass death, shock and trauma.

Tony (blood on his hands) Blair, now is deep up to his neck in paedophilia cover up's. 
This means he knew it was going on and did nothing in our disgraced Westminster, the centre of our political infrastructure. 
Children being raped by sick and twisted lustful sin and vulgar obscenities suits of government officials right under his nose and he did nothing. 

As the list of pictures show the sick and twisted minds of our political elite is shocking and why isn't Parliament under house arrest? 
Why isn't each MP under house arrest? 
Why isn't Tony (Mass Murderer) under house arrest?
It is important that we focus on such debauchery from political elites and not tolerate this savage raping of our children. It is sacrilegious children should be the subject of such abuse. Please continue to read or click here:

Pressure mounts on Tony Blair to answer questions over minister child sex abuse cover-up claims

Thursday 30th April 2015 at 10:49 By David Icke

‘Pressure mounted on Tony Blair tonight to answer questions over the Mirror’s revelations that a child sex abuse probe was axed after a minister in his government was named as a suspect.
MPs joined forces with a victim of abuse to call on the former Prime Minister to reveal if he knew about the alleged cover up or of any allegations against the politician.
The demands followed our story that an ex-social services boss told police in 1998 the Blair minister made evening visits to a children’s home in Lambeth, south London, run by paedophile Michael John Carroll in the 1980s.’
Read more: Pressure mounts on Tony Blair to answer questions over minister child sex abuse cover-up claims


Geoengineering & Weather Modification Down The Rabbit Hole w/ Popeye (02-03-2015)


Down The Rabbit Hole w/ Popeye (02-03-2015) Geoengineering & Weather Modification

Street Democracy writes: 

Geo engineering is the deliberate mass scale intervention of Earth's natural ecological system to change it, to create climate change. 

HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is a US military defence complex and program to weaponise their defence program for the ultimate control.

During the illegal war enterance of Iraq, what was noticable was a massive sandstorms making it hard for the locals to defend themselves. 


You have to ask, was this weather done deliberately? They can send electro magnetic energy to devastate nations. They can create earthquakes, tsunami's, droughts and volcanic desruption. (Look what is happening to our planet at the moment.)

Easy to destablise a nation with one bad weather hit.

This can create easier access to invade if the nation is suffering from mass killings and upheaval like a flooding as a major distraction.

With steerable electronic magnetic warfare agendas, the purpose could be to burn the skin off armies across a landscape, or blind a rowdy crowd, mainly the criminalisation of protesters so you can see where this is going.

This is global governance and total global military control of the people. It can swing weather modifications to alter organic weather patterns creating droughts. 

Droughts!..Now we focus on California. Droughts creates profits. It is frightening to think we'll witness a hostile take over by corporate oligarchs who'll decide who gets water and who doesn't.

Water becomes a scarce product raising prices which corporations rub their hands with glee. 

It also causes a one world government (NWO) as there is a need for global management to feed the world with natural resources which private corporations will be only to happy to manage. 

I hope you click to listen to Popeye, he is a good communicator and his guest speaker doesn't just love the sound of his voice, he has an important message for us about Geoengineering.

By Debbie Simmons-Street Democracy.

Down The Rabbit Hole w/ Popeye (02-03-2015) Geoengineering & Weather Modification


The Hard Truth About The Baltimore Riots and Study Finds ‘Presence of Professional Protesters to Incite More Violence’ in Baltimore and Ferguson


 The Hard Truth About The Baltimore Riots


Study Finds ‘Presence of Professional Protesters to Incite More Violence’ in Baltimore and Ferguson

Thursday 30th April 2015 at 11:55 By David Icke

‘If the Baltimore riots seem like a tired replay of Ferguson, there might be a good reason as to why.
A data mining firm with government ties that tracks social media reported that they uncovered a core group of accounts who appear to have driven much of the buzz and even more of the calls to actions by crowds on the ground.
The online activity of a few dozen of the same individuals were linked and timed with key moments in Baltimore and Ferguson, leading up to the most intense cases of both sustained demonstrations and episodes of violent riots in both of these cities.’
Read more: Study Finds 'Presence of Professional Protesters to Incite More Violence' in Baltimore and Ferguson


Ask your candidates to sign the Frack Free promise!


Ask your candidates to sign the Frack Free promise!

No Fracking in Balcombe Society (No FiBs)
27 Apr 2015 — Friends of the Earth have created a site where, nationwide, candidates can publicly pledge their opposition to fracking. Ask your local candidates to sign up! You can do this quickly and easily via the link below.

By bringing up the issue of fracking with our candidates we can hope that our concern gets fed back up the various parties to HQ. Perhaps leadership of all parties will have a greater awareness that fracking is a vote loser. Ask your candidates to sign the frack free promise: you have attended a local hustings, as we have both in Horsham and Haywards Heath, you'd see energy issues are high on the agenda. The Conservatives and UKIP continue to think fracking is a necessary way forward. Why, we ask?

A report recently released by doctors and health professionals states: ‘the cumulative impact of many wells can lead to a high level of risk to human health…Emissions of NOx, hydrogen sulphide, formaldehyde, benzene, particulate matter and ozone are the more significant airborne hazards associated with fracking…exposure to diesel fumes or to silica may also cause various conditions and diseases. As well as catalysing development of ground level ozone, methane can combine with particulate matter to form gas field haze which is linked to respiratory disease and other harms.' (p.14 'Health and Fracking' Medact) Fracking is therefore, harmful to both health and the environment. Find the Medact report below:



CERN and the Nepal Earthquake…


CERN and the Nepal Earthquake…

Street Democracy writes:

In a catastrophic collapse of moral decency oligarchs for their own gain and interest in power, control and profits are ignoring any conscience conflicting codes of ethics with weather interfering.

Manipulating our weather these oligarchs completely ignore any moral guidance when it comes to weather manipulation with the highest form of calamitous arrogance.

To control our planet, control all life upon her and own it all is a ferocious subjugation. 

In a Mafia style rogue and very corrupt form of capitalism, oligarchs own the most powerful corporations in the world and can control the very life of them to suit their agendas.

The engineering nightmare of our skies, our bio atmosphere causing extreme weather anomalies effecting our volcanoes, causing earth quakes.

Please read:

March 2014 Breaking News New Climate Geo-Engineering Chem Trails HAARP Mind control Military weather manipulation

Air Force Admits Weather Control via HAARP and New Tech

Rothschild Talks About Chemtrails Geo Engineering Weather Modification

Rothschilds, And The Geoengineering Empire

Why would the Rothschilds be so interested in owning the largest and most recognised weather modelling organisation out there? 

Why would E.L. Rothschild LLC wish to have the controlling interest in the world’s leading provider of interactive weather graphics and data services for television, web, and mobil? 

Because when you are involved in climate decimating geoengineering programs, you must also control the “forecast” models to cover your tracks.

  For more click here or scroll down by Debbie Simmons

CERN and the Nepal Earthquake…

new Thursday 30th April 2015 at 09:12 By David Icke

‘Here’s a conspiracy theory up for your consideration…
This video is titled “7.8 Quake Strikes as CERN Powers Up Beams.” By “as,” the narrator means at the exact moments a huge beam spike happened in CERN which caused a multiple system protection beam dump at the facility, Nepal’s deadly earthquake and aftershocks hit.
Not around the same time; at the same time.’


Severely disabled woman set to lose special car


Severely disabled woman set to lose special car

Street Democracy writes: 
The Tories 'evil in print' use harsh narratives aimed directly at the powerless, vulnerable and isolated. This is the Tory 'spirit of the age' bullying tactics towards disabled people.

Innately decent peace loving members of the public whose struggles are relentless, a daily struggle, every second of every day and it isn't considered by out of touch politicians.

Our government has no collective political social responsibility towards the vulnerable. 
Soulless suits of blue have made a political career of devaluing disabilities, criminalising poverty and blaming those in need of the Welfare State of clogging up the system and creating hardship for the rest of mainstream society.

Some say the Tories are the 'caricature of the Victorian poor' with vicious policy making to belittle and humiliate those suffering from poverty.

Life is about making the best of what you have, and some need more than others just for the basic life style that is no where near extravagant. 
How many kitchens does Ed Miliband have in just one of his homes? TWO!!
Boris Johnson has THREE KITCHENS!!!

RACHEL JOHNSON: Ed must take a tip from Three Kitchens Boris - or he's toast!

Yet all this lady needs is transport to prevent her from being placed under house arrest like some criminal.
Cruel policy making conflates and brings together the Tories opinions making social justice unable to flow freely within our governmental infrastructure, the very essence of a healthy democracy.
It isn't a healthy democracy and much more has been assassinated furthering us into a totalitarian governmental system of corporate control and interest, and not a democracy for the people.
By Debbie Simmons-Street Democracy.
Click here for more information or continue to scroll down:

Severely disabled woman set to lose special car

new Thursday 30th April 2015 at 09:15 By David Icke

‘A severely disabled woman who cannot walk or talk is set to lose her specially-adapted van.
The most serious form of cerebral palsy has left Serena Lester, 25, of Sandown Road, Thundersley, needing round-the-clock care.
Essex County Council has used her benefits to lease a van for her mother. The vehicle can accommodate Serena’s wheelchair.
But officers responsible for managing Serena’s finances have ordered the family to hand back the keys.’
Read more: Severely disabled woman set to lose special car



Wilde – Understanding Time

new Thursday 30th April 2015 at 09:34 By David Icke

‘Within the Universal Law, there is no time.
Things are in a state of gradual evolvement. A tree has no concept of time because its essence is eternal. It responds to the warmth of the sun, but it is not “in time.” It develops from seed, expanding gradually to full maturity, and so it is with the Universal Law.
It can deliver instantly, but if your energy is not all there, it will seem to you as if it has taken time. You have to learn patience and keep moving toward your goal, knowing that your thought form will be manifest.’
Read more: Wilde – Understanding Time


UK Election: Lies Now, Broken Promises Later


UK Election: Lies Now, Broken Promises Later

Street Democracy writes:
Haven't we learnt our lesson about the political landscape we give our power too?
Don't we realise the winners are never the people and the wealthy keep gaining wealth at our expense?
Isn't it time we understood our politicians are 'SELECTED' and not 'ELECTED'!
By Debbie Simmons-Street Democracy
Click here for more or scroll down:

UK Election: Lies Now, Broken Promises Later

new Thursday 30th April 2015 at 09:41 By David Icke

‘British politicians are making massive promises ahead of the general election on May 7, despite knowing many of them will have to be broken in the post-election horse-trading brought on by a hung parliament.
Every political party has spent the past months making more and more promises to the British public, many of which they will never be able to implement. Most opinion polls are predicting a hung parliament, where no one party has enough seats to command a full majority and implement its manifesto pledges.’

Read more: UK Election: Lies Now, Broken Promises Later


General Election 2015: ‘Slippery snake-oil’ Tories’ secret plan to slash child benefit and tax credits


General Election 2015: ‘Slippery snake-oil’ Tories’ secret plan to slash child benefit and tax credits

Street Democracy writes: 
The Tories serve to empower the class warfare they are executing with ruthless efficiency. This is felt endlessly by those suffering from a disease called financial scarcity, the poor.

Their structure is to socially demonise poverty, ridicule their membership to mainstream society to aid in 'death dealing policies' in the hope they have desensitised society enough for them to get away with it.
It has partly worked as they are many sleepy members of the public who are wilfully ignorant have deliberately ignore the perils of the poor in the UK. 
Some members of society blaming them for their circumstances including disabled people (ATOS sympathisers).

The Tories 'spirit of the age' has been to crush the poor with crippling avenues of 'evil in print policies' and blame them for any financial crisis and the sufferings of everyone else.

 Our MP's remain loyal to the values of corporatism and greed is forever apparent. Our austerity measures was to weaken the welfare state, privatise everything for the corporate oligarchs to further their gluttonous smile of greed.
In this respect the Tories have been most successful and they will be made Lords and gain higher titles within the EU like Tony (Blood on his Hands-Illegal War) Blair.
All done at the expense of the lower classes, all protesters vilified, all illusions of a fair democratic  system shattered while criminalising poverty and all that is linked to it.
Our Tory government is a private corporation run by shadow government Rothschild.
Run by MP's, financially connected to private interests and their decision making is influenced as such and bring death to the Welfare State including the much needed benefit system.

By Debbie Simmons-Street Democracy
For more please continue to scroll down or click here:

General Election 2015: ‘Slippery snake-oil’ Tories’ secret plan to slash child benefit and tax credits

new Thursday 30th April 2015 at 09:53 By David Icke

‘Millions of working families face a huge raid on their household budgets this summer as part of a secret £58 billion Tory cuts plan.
Labour warned David Cameron will slash tax credits and child benefit for hard-pressed Brits if he wins the election next week.
On a day that left the Prime Minister and Chancellor George Osborne’s economic credibility in shreds, experts also lined up to savage their planned five-year tax lock as a desperate “gimmick” that could unleash economic disaster.
Citi Bank’s Michael Saunders said: “I don’t think it is very sensible.’
Read more: General Election 2015: 'Slippery snake-oil' Tories' secret plan to slash child benefit and tax credits


Chemical-free Beauty Secrets: African Black Soap

Dudu-Osun, an original Nigerian-made soap

Black soap is a prized health and beauty product that you've probably never heard of. It has long been used for problem skin and has incredible clearing and healing properties, which this writer can personally attest to. It cleans, moisturies and nourishes skin and has been shown to reduce any skin conditions the user might have such as eczema, stretch marks, scars and wounds that are currently healing, skin allergies, dermatitis, fungal infections, wrinkles, blemishes and extremely dry and flaky skin.

 Generally composed from Raw Shea Butter, Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, Cocoa Pod and Palm Tree Oil, it can provide plenty of nutrients, minerals,proteins and anti-oxidants that the skin needs to help repair and restore itself to its natural vitality. It's chemical free and made only from 100% organic and pure ingredients, providing a light and fresh all-natural scent that gently cleanses without irritating sensitive skin conditions.

Instead of slathering harsh chemicals onto your delicate skin it would be wise to start using healthy organic products like this that are genuinely good for you.

When purchasing Black soap, make sure it's from West Africa and not made in the US or Europe. Soaps from these countries are mass produced and often contain artifical ingredients that deviate from the traditional recipes.


Shea Butter: The empowering chemical-free skin healer

For centuries Shea Butter has been used throughout Africa as a way to keep skin moisturised,  nourished and healthy. It contains vitamins, minerals and proteins that the skin needs to restore its natural elasticity, it's anti-flammatory and has been shown to help with skin conditions such as eczema, stretch marks, scars and wounds that are currently healing, skin allergies, dermatitis, fungal infections, wrinkles, blemishes and extremely dry and flaky skin.

Unrefined shea butter comes from nuts of the Shea tree

Shea Butter is one of the world's most sustainable natural resoures, growing naturally in Central and West Africa. The trees do not need irrigation, pesticides or fertilizer meaning it's safe for use on delicate areas of the skin without costing the Earth.

It's mostly women who make Shea Butter

Harvesting the Shea trees is traditionally seen as a job for women and is immensely physically demanding, requiring women to walk in the blistering heat with large loads on their heads for as much as 10 miles or more every day, all the while being cautious of poisonous snakes that lurk within the tall grass.

They are mostly rural women who have little to no formal education and are therefore excluded from many jobs. Buying unrefined shea butter directly from the villages lessens the gender income inequality and helps improve the quality of life within the community. Make sure to avoid buying Shea butter that isn't fairly traded, as these women will earn only a fraction of the price despite all their hard work.


Agribusiness and the The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse. The Globalized System of War, Poverty and Food Insecurity


Agribusiness and the The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse. The Globalized System of War, Poverty and Food Insecurity

Street Democracy writes: 
A 'ferocious corporate rape' of our political arena, of unchecked oligarchical powers puppeteering bought and paid for venal politicians who are forcing our governmental infrastructure hostage to favour the corporate world. 

A perpetual plethora of 'draconian policies' for brutal extermination of our natural planet now careering towards her imminent death.
We witness 'atrocity producing' corporate policies that is furthering the total genocide of our eco-system and the natural beauty of our much beloved and sacred planet.

The death and destruction of our planet is carefully masked but the devastation is sweeping with speed across earth. 
It is unmitigated evil. Evil in print, evil indoctrinated and evil mass produced to serve the goddless, loveless crowd and soulless suits of the oligarchs.

We witness the dark foundations of an alternative agenda of controlling our planet and privatising her for profits and commodify all life and living things, including ours to their calling. 
They wish to pillage, rape and plunder in abundance the precious natural resources into private interests and control what is inevitably free. Our planet grows in abundance all our needs for free.
We live on this planet for free. Our babies are born for free and are free. So why are we paying corporate thugs to survive? 
By Debbie Simmons-Street Democracy.

‘US citizens constitute 5 percent of the world’s population but consume 24 percent of global energy. On average, one person in the US consumes as much energy as two Japanese, six Mexicans, 13 Chinese, 31 Indians, 128 Bangladeshis, 307 Tanzanians and 370 Ethiopians.
The US is able to consume at such a level because the dollar serves as the world reserve currency. This means high demand for it is guaranteed as most international trade (especially oil) is carried out using the dollar. US dominance and wealth accumulation depends on maintaining the currency’s leading role.
The international monetary system that emerged near the end of the Second World War was based on the US being the dominant economic power and the main creditor nation, with institutions like the World Bank and International Monetary Fund eventually being created to serve its interests.’
Read more: Agribusiness and the The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse. The Globalized System of War, Poverty and Food Insecurity


The C.I.A. Does Not Want Us to Know How Many Civilians Our Drones Kill


The C.I.A. Does Not Want Us to Know How Many Civilians Our Drones Kill

new Wednesday 29th April 2015 at 06:58 By David Icke

‘When President Barack Obama issued a public apology Thursday to the families of Warren Weinstein and Giovanni Lo Porto after a U.S drone strike accidentally killed the two al-Qaeda hostages in January, it provided a rare opportunity for the American public to see the faces of civilians who are killed in such incidents.
In these cases, the faces are Western; Weinstein is American and Lo Porto is Italian.’
Read more: The C.I.A. Does Not Want Us to Know How Many Civilians Our Drones Kill



Following Israel’s ISIS recruitment trail – RT investigates

new Wednesday 29th April 2015 at 07:03 By David Icke



‘Safe’ low doses of mercury linked to autoimmune disease, children still injected


‘Safe’ low doses of mercury linked to autoimmune disease, children still injected

Street Democracy writes: 
Imposing 'forced vaccines and medication sanctions' upon society is a 'medical police state' unapologetically and systematically unleashed regardless of public consent.
It shatters our illusion of democracy as mandatory medical procedures eradicate our freedom of choice, our thoughts are rejected, demonised and even criminalised for disapproving against Big Pharma.

Civilians are now viewed as 'enemies of the state', as 'domestic terrorists' or a menace to society for their free thinking opinions, desire for 'expert' knowledge and critical thought.
Mercury is a toxic metal.

Where does Mercury display a natural goodness to the biological human body?
It is detrimental to the human body. Even in fillings we get toxic Mercury poisoning.
Workers at Mercury chemical factories face hazardous dangerous conditions because of the poison Mercury carries. It damages our nervous system and should be viewed as a poison and therefore a criminal act.

We face a widening landscape of political deceit, corporate take over and total oppressive, non-empathy venal economic elitism, insistent upon making profits, and placing profits before all else.

This is what happens in an unfettered capitalist society. It's ceaseless expansion is not in ethics or morals but in ways to maximise profits.
Essential we become medical police state aware and no longer tolerate what we should be enraged about.

By Debbie Simmons-Street Democracy.

Click here for more: 

‘Safe’ low doses of mercury linked to autoimmune disease, children still injected

new Wednesday 29th April 2015 at 07:10 By David Icke

‘When it comes to mercury contamination of seafood, scientists and environmentalists ring the alarm, warning consumers that eating too much fish can expose the body to toxic amounts of mercury.
When it comes to mercury in vaccines, however, it’s a much different story. Scientists often ignore the fact that children and adults are routinely injected with thimerosal, a mercury derivative used in flu shots. ICP-MS testing recorded mercury in the FluLaval vaccine at a disturbing 51 parts per million, which is 100 times higher than the mercury level often measured in contaminated fish! Why aren’t scientists raising the alarm when it comes to flu shots?
To make matters worse, this mercury is injected directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the body’s natural filters in the gastrointestinal tract. A direct injection of mercury at this level is very capable of damaging the nervous system.’
Read more: 'Safe' low doses of mercury linked to autoimmune disease, children still injected


James Corbett: ‘At the very top of this Bankster pyramid, the Chinese elite is connected directly in with the U.S. Western elite.’



White House Refuses to Disclose Secret Cellphone Kill Switch Order


White House Refuses to Disclose Secret Cellphone Kill Switch Order

new Wednesday 29th April 2015 at 09:23 By David Icke

‘The White House has refused to release information about a secret policy that permits the Department of Homeland Security to unilaterally shut down private cellphone service in the event of a national crisis.
Enacted almost ten years ago without public notice or debate, Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) 303, often referred to as the cellphone kill switch, has been shrouded in secrecy from its inception and has been targeted by civil liberties groups looking to make the policy public.
“We have no clue what’s in it or what it’s about,” Harold Feld, the senior vice president of Public Knowledge, a public interest advocacy group, told Al Jazeera America.’
Read more: White House Refuses to Disclose Secret Cellphone Kill Switch Order


All cars must have tracking devices to cut road deaths, says EU


All cars must have tracking devices to cut road deaths, says EU

Street Democracy writes: 

We are witnessing a saturation of punishing, infringing, freedom eroding, hostile government policies that are infused with a psychopathic 'political culture' and thought.

Is this 'evil in print', evil in document form? This is certainly furthering a 'police state culture' slowly indoctrinating and normalising a criminalised citizenry agenda.

Is this even more mind controlling techniques to socially condition us to obey and in the end love our servitude?

A private corporation will manufacture this compulsary device that may have a digital life span of 5 minutes and carry a heavy fine if it is broken or you don't have one. 

Another corrupt money making scheme from the wisdom of psychopaths!

Or...... is it because the government really care about us and our lives on the road? (Please note the touch of blatant sarcasm here.)

This 'IS' complete control with ruthless efficiency. We the people will pay for this financially as well as with our freedoms.

We will be policed every inch of our journey's and fined for any minor offence they can come up with..or get a way with.

This is Big Brother, 1984 George Orwell and his warning of an Orwellian State in super plus size that even those with 'eyes wide shut' can't fail to see.

It is no longer 'creeping' further into a Totalitarian system enshrined in to law by legions of faceless bureaucrats, but speeding.

This is governments attempts to overt hostile policies designed to erode our freedoms in their vain attempts to protect themselves. 

It is important we don't tolerate policies we should be enraged by and this is one of them. Please continue scrolling down. 

By Debbie Simmons-Street Democracy

 All cars must have tracking devices to cut road deaths, says EU

new Wednesday 29th April 2015 at 09:50 By David Icke

‘All new cars will within three years contain tracking devices that alert the emergency services in the event of an accident.
Under EU laws passed on Tuesday the technology will be compulsory from 2018 and fitted as standard in every model of car and small van.
A serious crash will prompt an automatic call to the nearest emergency centre. Even if nobody in the vehicle is able to speak, the device will still relay the exact location, time, direction of travel, the scale of the impact and whether airbags have been deployed.
Drivers will also be able to push a button inside their car to make a call if they have witnessed an accident and are in unfamiliar surroundings.’
Read more: All cars must have tracking devices to cut road deaths, says EU