Sony CEO on Middle East: Let Them All Kill Each Other (Except Israel)
Sony CEO on Middle East: Let Them All Kill Each Other (Except Israel)
‘The CEO of Sony called the Middle East a “gigantic mess,” and said if it was not for Israel’s presence in the region, the United States would “let them all kill each other,” according to emails published by WikiLeaks.
The secrets-spilling group last week republished hundreds of thousands of documents and emails from the hack last fall of Sony Pictures Entertainment. The massive collection includes emails CEO Michael Lynton wrote in response to an October 2014 Washington Post article about President Barack Obama’s foreign policy in Syria. A relative forwarded Lynton the article with the comment “Brilliant.”
“Let them all kill each other!” Lynton wrote in a response email.’
Read more: Sony CEO on Middle East: Let Them All Kill Each Other (Except Israel)