Monsanto CEO claims GMOs are the only way to feed the world – Ever heard of permaculture?
Monsanto CEO claims GMOs are the only way to feed the world – Ever heard of permaculture?
‘If Monsanto was a person, it would be a certifiable sociopath — obsessed with itself, unaware of everyone and everything around it, and utterly delusional when it comes to facts and reality. And this seems to describe Monsanto CEO Hugh Grant to a T, as he recently told the U.K. paper The Independent that genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) are the only way to feed the world, apparently oblivious to permaculture growing methods that have been feeding people naturaly for millennia.
During a recent interview, Grant tried to defend his company’s hijacking of nature, claiming that GMOs are the key to sustaining life on planet earth. Blaming “hubris” for his company’s atrocious reputation throughout the world, Grant maintains that Monsanto is merely a victim of anti-corporate sentiment and grand misunderstandings about what it’s actually doing — GMOs are wonderful, no matter what anyone says, according to Grant.’
Read more: Monsanto CEO claims GMOs are the only way to feed the world – Ever heard of permaculture?