Vaccines cause autism, says confidential document from corrupt drug company GSK
Vaccines cause autism, says confidential document from corrupt drug company GSK
Street Democracy writes:
We witness an extensive bureaucratic persecution, stealthily treacherous with regards to mandatory vaccines and forced medication inflicted upon our children.
It is child destroying, class assassination, and total destruction of their organic bodies and turning children from organic free thinkers into passive obedient citizens.
There is too much evidence now of children being poisoned and becoming autistic or suffering from some other side effect to disagree now.
Staff are not encouraged or inspired to question the 'white coats'. Staff do not know for sure what is in the vaccines. What the clear liquid actually is but take the word of the label.
We know there are 'Vaccine Committees Members' who are financially connected to Big Pharma companies who based their findings biased to making profits rather that critique the drugs on offer.
Morals become calcified as Big Pharma labels all children sickly and in need of immunisation boosts or all genetic defects as a mass problem that needs mass vaccines to cure.
For more listen to the real power talk. The oligarch lobbyist who pays for his position to control and ask is the man talking from his own morals or on behalf of a corporation that dictates policy outcome?
Click here for more or continue reading on. By Debbie Simmons-Street Democracy.
Vaccines cause autism, says confidential document from corrupt drug company GSK
‘While the debate rages on about whether or not vaccines cause autism, a confidential document has surfaced that makes clear what science has led Natural News readers to believe: Yes, vaccines are linked to autism.
The document,[PDF] which runs over 1,000 pages, is from the fraudulent and corrupt GlaxoSmithKline. Several hundred pages in, it’s revealed that vaccines are tied to autism. It’s blatantly outlined in a chart, along with a long list of other conditions caused by vaccines, including “motor development delay,” “tremor” and “altered state of consciousness.” Autism is listed in this chart as a nervous system and mental impairment disorder associated with receiving GSK’s Infanrix hexa vaccine.’
Read more: Vaccines cause autism, says confidential document from corrupt drug company GSK