Chemo brain is real: Researchers find first evidence cancer treatment can lead to ‘chronically wandering mind’
Chemo brain is real: Researchers find first evidence cancer treatment can lead to ‘chronically wandering mind’
Street Democracy writes:
Imposing the heavy weights of bought and controlled Big Pharma employees, those educated white coats who permenantly dictate chemically, costly and very painful avenues of cancer treatments continue to promote bad and detrimental health practises to cure cancer.
Big Pharma is a brutal system of control obliterating self respect, privacy and dignity to all cancer sufferer's in order to control and unleash a 'forced medication' practise.
Questions have surfaced that we are now in a 'Medical Police State' imposing medical sanctions and treating the world's cancer sufferer's as one giant experiment for profit system.
Do we live in a 'Medical Prison Planet'?
Perhaps we live in a 'Draconian medical system' of ruthless bitter rules at the expense of vulnerable, 'FRIGHTENED' people?
Their morally depraved antics are to keep them in this state of fear.
To drain as much money from patients as possible while 'fake smiling' and wearing the 'more treatment you pay for, the better your chances of survival' badge.
This article is one of many now stacking up against the diseased minds of Big Pharma. Divorced from empathy, people are profits, the sicker they are the better for wealth accumulation is their mentality.
Definitely a siege mentality of morally bankrupt heavily indoctrinated medical staff indifferent and insensitive to people's sufferings.
Read further the outrage of what unfettered capitalism is allowed to come too when unchecked and free to make profits in anyway seen fit.
By Debbie Simmons-Street Democracy.
Click here for more: Chemo brain is real: Researchers find first evidence cancer treatment can lead to 'chronically wandering mind'
‘Researchers have found the first clear evidence that ‘chemo brain’ where patients find it difficult to concentrate after undergoing chemotherapy, is real.
The new research shows that chemotherapy can lead to excessive mind wandering and an inability to concentrate.
The negative cognitive effects of the cancer treatment have long been suspected, but the study is the first to explain why patients have difficulty paying attention.’
Read more: Chemo brain is real: Researchers find first evidence cancer treatment can lead to 'chronically wandering mind'