General Election 2015: ‘Slippery snake-oil’ Tories’ secret plan to slash child benefit and tax credits


General Election 2015: ‘Slippery snake-oil’ Tories’ secret plan to slash child benefit and tax credits

Street Democracy writes: 
The Tories serve to empower the class warfare they are executing with ruthless efficiency. This is felt endlessly by those suffering from a disease called financial scarcity, the poor.

Their structure is to socially demonise poverty, ridicule their membership to mainstream society to aid in 'death dealing policies' in the hope they have desensitised society enough for them to get away with it.
It has partly worked as they are many sleepy members of the public who are wilfully ignorant have deliberately ignore the perils of the poor in the UK. 
Some members of society blaming them for their circumstances including disabled people (ATOS sympathisers).

The Tories 'spirit of the age' has been to crush the poor with crippling avenues of 'evil in print policies' and blame them for any financial crisis and the sufferings of everyone else.

 Our MP's remain loyal to the values of corporatism and greed is forever apparent. Our austerity measures was to weaken the welfare state, privatise everything for the corporate oligarchs to further their gluttonous smile of greed.
In this respect the Tories have been most successful and they will be made Lords and gain higher titles within the EU like Tony (Blood on his Hands-Illegal War) Blair.
All done at the expense of the lower classes, all protesters vilified, all illusions of a fair democratic  system shattered while criminalising poverty and all that is linked to it.
Our Tory government is a private corporation run by shadow government Rothschild.
Run by MP's, financially connected to private interests and their decision making is influenced as such and bring death to the Welfare State including the much needed benefit system.

By Debbie Simmons-Street Democracy
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General Election 2015: ‘Slippery snake-oil’ Tories’ secret plan to slash child benefit and tax credits

new Thursday 30th April 2015 at 09:53 By David Icke

‘Millions of working families face a huge raid on their household budgets this summer as part of a secret £58 billion Tory cuts plan.
Labour warned David Cameron will slash tax credits and child benefit for hard-pressed Brits if he wins the election next week.
On a day that left the Prime Minister and Chancellor George Osborne’s economic credibility in shreds, experts also lined up to savage their planned five-year tax lock as a desperate “gimmick” that could unleash economic disaster.
Citi Bank’s Michael Saunders said: “I don’t think it is very sensible.’
Read more: General Election 2015: 'Slippery snake-oil' Tories' secret plan to slash child benefit and tax credits