Honest labelling on poultrymeat could help transform the lives of chickens across Europe. Please add your voice today and call for a simple change in the law.

Honest labelling on poultrymeat could help transform the lives of chickens across Europe. Please add your voice today and call for a simple change in the law.

When consumers know which farm system has been used to produce their food, many choose higher welfare. Method of production labelling of all poultrymeat in the EU could improve the lives of millions of meat chickens, just as better labelling has improved the lives of millions of egg laying hens.
The European Commission has the power to make this simple change and this summer they are reviewing their poultrymeat marketing rules. Now is the perfect time to act.
We are calling on the Commission to change its own rules - and on EU Member States to persuade the Commission to act. Please sign our letter to the EU Commissioner for Health and Consumers, and the Farming Ministers of all 28 EU Member States.