The Tories are behaving like fiends from a damned toxic ring, frantically mad on removing our human rights to unleash total police state domination in one spontaneous explosion of hideous horror.
To legalise oppression, a police state society of a crushing dynamic force of control will shatter home towns, our family lives and our dignity not spared.
Our lives under a 'gulag' mentality, miserable, laborious and hard under a 'Tory Fourth Reich' of gut wrenching death dealing policies that is no longer conspiracy and never was.
Bit by bit they have taken our rights away under the illusion of their saintly facade. This is a manufactured dehumanisation programme and the death of civic virtue.
We must be convulsed in immeasurable anger and indescribable frustration at the wilful arrogance of these elite rulers of concentrated wealth insistent upon out right supremacy over us.
They are imposing a mild form of dictatorship with a hidden agenda of a ceaseless expansion, a brutal interval into our standard of living will be changed forever.
By Debbie Simmons-Street Democracy

‘David Cameron is facing diplomatic isolation and his first backbench
rebellion over plans to scrap the Human Rights Act and exempt the
Government from implementing unfavourable European Court of Human Rights
Mr Cameron has made the abolition of Labour’s 1998 legislation a key
part of his 100-day policy offensive and the measure is expected to be
included in the Queen’s Speech later this month.
But the Prime Minister is already facing a revolt from a growing
number of his backbenchers over the proposals with a former aide to the
new Justice Secretary Michael Gove warning that they have less than a 5
per cent chance of being implemented.’
Read more: Cameron faces Tory backbench rebellion over plans to scrap the Human Rights Act