State approves $30 million youth jail to house Baltimore teenagers charged as adults
State approves $30 million youth jail to house Baltimore teenagers charged as adults
‘Sate officials approved plans Wednesday to build a $30 million,
60-bed jail to house Baltimore teenagers charged as adults, a step to
address years of concern about the practice of housing young city
defendants alongside adults.
The U.S. Justice Department has said the state-run Baltimore City Detention Center has been violating the law by keeping the youths in the same facility as grown-ups, where teens often are secluded and do not receive school or other services while incarcerated.
The contract to renovate an existing pretrial facility on North Forrest Street near the detention center represents a compromise to an earlier proposal to build a much bigger youth jail in the city.’
Read more: State approves $30 million youth jail to house Baltimore teenagers charged as adults
Street Democracy writes:
Modern schools are plagued by trespassing authors called 'teachers' regurgitating government indoctrination 'toxic' principles, with bought and paid for text books that are published by controlled publishers for one giant socialisation programme.
Our education system is worrying or should I say 'resocialisation centres' are worrying?
We as parents willingly hand over to the state to control and raise our children or program them to think a certain way, by strangers (teachers) who are themselves institutionalised.
We surrender our children to government controlled operating programs for intense behavioural training.
Our children are absolutely compelled to be removed from their parents where the rules determine atmosphere and where children are forced to comply.
It is a mass group think, a hive mind syndrome, where self determination is replaced by a social collective action.
Our education system is like this animal school I heard someone say:
One monkey, one elephant and one rabbit sit down on the grass and the teacher says 'today class, we will climb trees to see who can reach the top the fastest and those who fail will be punished!' Guess which animals get punished because they just can't do the subject (climb trees)?
So our children are different but expected to produce the same level of regurgitation of lessons and those who fail, those who get frustrated at such education, or are critical, those who dare vent their anger, get in to serious trouble.
So ask yourself, what is the difference between school and prison?
Our moderns schools in Crawley look like detention centres.
Compulsory to wear uniforms.
Corporations are inside each school influencing minds.
Bell sounding system dictating the start and end of projects.
Both have digital CCTV.
Both punish with detentions.
Solitary confinement.
No free thinking unless its set in a controlled parameter, like the subject involved.
Obey authority or your punished.
Food served up on trays like prison.
Regimented like prison.
Erosion of freedom of speech/critical thinking.
Queue for things as do prisoners.
Short recreational breaks as do prisons.
Children clock watch, prisoners scratch days on the walls.
Indoctrination and social programming as with prisons.
Banish free thinking, critical thinking and abstract thought to be told what to think and when.
They are criminalising our children and indoctrinating a punishing state educational program to normalise incarceration, normalise correctional facilities and normalise state punishments and this is shocking!
By Debbie Simmons-Street Democracy.
The U.S. Justice Department has said the state-run Baltimore City Detention Center has been violating the law by keeping the youths in the same facility as grown-ups, where teens often are secluded and do not receive school or other services while incarcerated.
The contract to renovate an existing pretrial facility on North Forrest Street near the detention center represents a compromise to an earlier proposal to build a much bigger youth jail in the city.’
Read more: State approves $30 million youth jail to house Baltimore teenagers charged as adults
Street Democracy writes:
Modern schools are plagued by trespassing authors called 'teachers' regurgitating government indoctrination 'toxic' principles, with bought and paid for text books that are published by controlled publishers for one giant socialisation programme.
Our education system is worrying or should I say 'resocialisation centres' are worrying?
We as parents willingly hand over to the state to control and raise our children or program them to think a certain way, by strangers (teachers) who are themselves institutionalised.
We surrender our children to government controlled operating programs for intense behavioural training.
Our children are absolutely compelled to be removed from their parents where the rules determine atmosphere and where children are forced to comply.
It is a mass group think, a hive mind syndrome, where self determination is replaced by a social collective action.
Our education system is like this animal school I heard someone say:
One monkey, one elephant and one rabbit sit down on the grass and the teacher says 'today class, we will climb trees to see who can reach the top the fastest and those who fail will be punished!' Guess which animals get punished because they just can't do the subject (climb trees)?
So our children are different but expected to produce the same level of regurgitation of lessons and those who fail, those who get frustrated at such education, or are critical, those who dare vent their anger, get in to serious trouble.
So ask yourself, what is the difference between school and prison?
Our moderns schools in Crawley look like detention centres.
Compulsory to wear uniforms.
Corporations are inside each school influencing minds.
Bell sounding system dictating the start and end of projects.
Both have digital CCTV.
Both punish with detentions.
Solitary confinement.
No free thinking unless its set in a controlled parameter, like the subject involved.
Obey authority or your punished.
Food served up on trays like prison.
Regimented like prison.
Erosion of freedom of speech/critical thinking.
Queue for things as do prisoners.
Short recreational breaks as do prisons.
Children clock watch, prisoners scratch days on the walls.
Indoctrination and social programming as with prisons.
Banish free thinking, critical thinking and abstract thought to be told what to think and when.
They are criminalising our children and indoctrinating a punishing state educational program to normalise incarceration, normalise correctional facilities and normalise state punishments and this is shocking!
By Debbie Simmons-Street Democracy.