City shuts off water to delinquent residents; hits Baltimore Co. homes hardest
‘Baltimore officials, trying to collect some $40 million in long-unpaid water bills, have shut off service to more than 1,600 customers in the past six weeks.
But records reviewed by The Baltimore Sun show the city’s enforcement has been starkly uneven.
While large commercial properties owe the biggest amounts, not one has been shut off. All of the service cuts so far have been to homes.
And while the majority of homes with unpaid bills are in the city, nearly 90 percent of shut-offs have been in Baltimore County. Dundalk and Gwynn Oak have each had more service cuts than all of Baltimore.’
Read more: City shuts off water to delinquent residents; hits Baltimore Co. homes hardest

Street Democracy writes:
Administration of hate speared through their air to pierce 'death dealing policies' at the poor for owing money to the water companies, has shut them off.
Following the tail of the one in front, administrators, dictate, obey and follow 'evil in print' to produce a true 'hunger game' society, a miserable onslaught for the poor, for the basic necessity of life, water.

It is a 'silent weapon' for a 'silent carnage' upon those suffering from poverty a true gritty doleful shade of sorrow, anguish and a fixed sadness.
The poor are being held to ransom.
A horrendous interval in family home life with children in need of clean water and yet the corporate parks, display in arrogant splendour their water features, their absolute control of privilege and all things they want.
It is further proof democracy is being shattered across the political spectrum, dignity is not sacred and to wreck and devastate citizens is a daily sinister principle of our age, 'the oligarchs spirit of the age' that is.
By Debbie Simmons-Street Democracy