Snoopers’ charter set to return to law as Theresa May suggests Conservative majority could lead to huge increase in surveillance powers


Snoopers’ charter set to return to law as Theresa May suggests Conservative majority could lead to huge increase in surveillance powers

new Saturday 9th May 2015 at 10:27 By David Icke

‘The Conservatives are already planning to introduce the huge surveillance powers known as the Snoopers’ Charter, hoping that the removal from government of the Liberal Democrats that previously blocked the controversial law will allow it to go through.
The law, officially known as the Draft Communications Data Bill, is already back on the agenda according to Theresa May. It is expected to force British internet service providers to keep huge amounts of data on their customers, and to make that information available to the government and security services.’
Read more: Snoopers' charter set to return to law as Theresa May suggests Conservative majority could lead to huge increase in surveillance powers