Saudi Arabia wants to lead the UN Human Rights Council
Saudi Arabia wants to lead the UN Human Rights Council
‘Saudi Arabia wants to lead the UN Human Rights Council, which raises anger among activists who fear an erode of the Council’s credibility. An “abomination, and cynical by a nation that beheads people on public squares,” said a human rights organization in a statement on Wednesday evening.
There has been rumors for a while that Saudi Arabia wants to lead the UN’s highest body for defense of human rights. Now it appears the rumors have been confirmed by several diplomatic sources. It has had human rights organizations to react with pure rage outbursts.
Saudi Arabia is one of the world’s worst repressive regimes with massive violations of human rights, according to Amnesty, Human Rights Watch and the UN itself. One notable example is Saudi blogger Raif Badawi who was sentenced to ten years in prison and 1,000 lashes for having started a site for political debate. In addition, the country is sharply criticized for the ongoing attacks against Yemen, where the ruthless bombing of civilians is equated with war crimes.’
Read more: Saudi Arabia wants to lead the UN Human Rights Council
The Evil within: The truth we dare not see about Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen
‘On the 70th anniversary of the fall of Nazi Germany, fascism is far from dead. As Yemen bleeds under Saudi Arabia’s grand war, it is really the annihilation of one people we are seeing play out – the Zaidis of Yemen.
If Saudi Arabia, a regional super-power strong with its trillions of petrodollars, has ruled unchallenged over the Middle East and to an extent over the Islamic world, it has done so at the expense of people’s freedom and prosperity. Yemen, more than any other country in the region has suffered under its powerful and rich tyrant of a neighbor.
Coerced into assuming the role of a passive vassal, Yemen was prevented from rising to its true potential through a clever network of bribery, religious sponsoring and social engineering.’
Read more: The Evil within: The truth we dare not see about Saudi Arabia's war in Yemen
Zionist Neocon John Bolton says Saudi Arabia 100% in Sync with Israel
Street Democracy writes:
The wealthy elites own all corporate global media and suppress us without the use of force with deep indoctrination mechanisms of propaganda, a powerful explosion of corrupt and unclean wisdom on a daily basis.
Our hidden ruling elites cause political turbulence, create civic destabilisation, assassinate the family, disrupt and destroy democracy for us all, cause legitimate rages across the world and criminalise us for reacting.
Forcing an uniformed public to make irrational decisions, hoarding valuable and essential knowledge so we make inappropriate decisions, we are dispossessed of true knowledge and are disempowered because of it.

Now after manufacturing violence, terrorism, civic conflicts, enraged racism, they frown with scorn at us with wilful arrogance to offer their corrupt dark minds to impose their draconian rules of what human rights should be for us.
We must not stand in our stance of toleration and allow ravenous eyes of aggression dictate our human rights by those enmeshed with violent, Orwellian, tyrannical, disfigured mind sets.
The beheading of our civil liberties from ruling elites who hold no empathy, are psychopathic, sociopathic at least, who are themselves the weaponisation of dark powers.
By Debbie Simmons-Street Democracy.