Tory Cuts Could Push Tens Of Thousands Of Home Carers Onto the Dole, Warns Charity
Tory Cuts Could Push Tens Of Thousands Of Home Carers Onto the Dole, Warns Charity
Posted by Welfare Weekly -
Government cuts are leaving local authority social care budgets “at breaking point”, while struggling home carers are left juggling work and caring duties.
Within ten years, up to one million Alzheimers patients will be dependent upon the care they receive from relatives. This is estimated to save the economy around £11.6bn each year, which is greater than the £8.8bn spent on the NHS.
Head of policy at the Alzheimer’s Society, George McNamara, said: “Further government cuts to social care could lead to tens of thousands of working people forced to give up their jobs to look after elderly relatives over the next five years.”
“Workers can’t fit caring responsibilities into a lunch break”, said Mr McNamara.
“Looking after an elderly parent with dementia takes huge amounts of time, energy and emotional stress. Many carers will have no choice but to give up work unless they get better public services.”
For more click here: Tory Cuts Could Push Tens Of Thousands Of Home Carers Onto the Dole, Warns Charity
By Welfare Weekly
Street Democracy writes:
Our political system is a massive psychological machine to devour moral decency within our societal system of care and welfare services.
Carers work dedicated hours of long back breaking heavy workloads, time utterly spent providing the attention we all appreciate when where in need. This career model goes largely unnoticed, ignored and deeply underpaid for their efforts, unless it is to sabotage it further.
We know the Tory bullying agenda, their destruction of the welfare state expedition and a ferocious path of evil, to destroy the poor's voice and power.
This punishing infrastructure is being ripped to pieces at rapid speeds of vigour, to dismantle our welfare state, and all practises and commitments to it. A deliberate manufactured Tory dialogue of force to collapse our social caring community structures to fall and fail.
The agenda is for the private sector to infiltrate their corporate power and control, to eventually privatise the whole system by stepping in to 'rescue' the starved of funds avenues.
This punishing infrastructure is on a ceaseless expansion that is hijacked by ruthless corporate politicians who hold power to instigate and frame debates, basically control decision making to favour private interests and this sector is no different.
By Debbie Simmons-Street Democracy.