Lord Janner was still director of his firm THREE WEEKS ago, it emerges as damning dossier alleges police chief allowed peer to molest young boys


Lord Janner was still director of his firm THREE WEEKS ago, it emerges as damning dossier alleges police chief allowed peer to molest young boys

Street Democracy writes: 
We have a damnable problem, a 'political peerage' problem filled with atrocities in the heart of our political center of Westminster, London. 
A sleazy and illegal human trafficking trade of children that seems to fill the minds of certain MP's with a sickness of degrading fantasies so impure and morbidly unhealthy.
Westminster is infused by degenerate principles of social injustice and of the most harmful treatment of sadistic rape aimed at our precious children enrages us beyond reason.
Child rape and sex abuse in the UK is on an industrial scale and we are 'ashamed of our government', we are 'ashamed' to keep placing depraved salacious wicked minds into places of power to allow this to go on.
Our tolerance must now end at such a system of child torture that we are appaulled by such moral decay and butchery.

We must scream at our MP's and ask each MP be vigorously checked regardless of his 'secret oath's of his secret societal ties' as we don't give a damn. 

We must have justice and no more children to be ripped apart by such brutish and sadistic manner's.

By Debbie Simmons-Street Democracy

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Saturday 2nd May 2015 at 10:56 By David Icke

‘Lord Janner served as a company director until six days before being ruled too unwell to be tried for suspected child abuse.
Director of Public Prosecutions Alison Saunders sparked outrage when she said his dementia meant he could not understand what would happen in a courtroom.
Yet less than a week earlier, the Labour peer was at the top of a list of company directors for his firm West Heath Road Seasons Ltd.
In official documents lodged at Companies House, he listed his occupation as: ‘Working Peer, Writer, Lecturer.’’
Read more: Lord Janner was still director of his firm THREE WEEKS ago, it emerges as damning dossier alleges police chief allowed peer to molest young boys