Tories Insuring Protection of Their Own! Tories could cut a fifth of staff at department that chases tax dodgers, union warns
Tories could cut a fifth of staff at department that chases tax dodgers, union warns
Tories could cut a fifth of staff at department that chases tax dodgers, union warns
17:09, 18 May 2015
By Dan Bloom
The FDA union claims HMRC will lose up to 15,000 of its 64,000 staff - despite having to find an extra £5bn by cracking down on tax avoidance
Axe: HMRC could face huge job cuts - but George Osborne wants staff to tackle tax avoidance
Tory cuts could axe more than a fifth of staff at the department in charge of chasing tax dodgers, a union has warned.
It's claimed HM Revenue and Customs will lose out as new waves of cuts spread across Whitehall, ditching up to 100,000 jobs.
That's despite HMRC being in charge of a new tax avoidance crackdown that George Osborne claims will net Britain £5bn.
Dave Penman, general secretary of the FDA civil service union, says HMRC will suffer because other departments like education, health and foreign aid are better-protected.
And it won't be able to track down tax dodgers without investing in expensive experts, he warned.
He told Mirror Online: "Tax avoidance is just one part of HMRC but it's a critical one.

Street Democracy writes:
Our Tory 'principles of the age' are depraved, filled with unclean wisdom, a biased favouritism and a total cataclysm of our social and political democracy.
The lobbyist's who paid millions into the Tory 'general election' piggy bank, want they're financial payback.
Their reward is to be able to continue dodging tax payments by the millions and with less staff hounding their complicated private economic system, fraudulent tax dodging can commence unchallenged.

Corporate wealth has replaced our voting system for money as these millionaires run our centralised power.
Favouring themselves, legalizing money trafficking and biased principles favouring corporatisation hierarchy enshrined into biased rich favouring law is now so obvious they may as well just admit it.
With a fanatical commitment, venal economic elite, with their banded powers of corporate principles have rigged Tory policies to favour themselves.

Our government is enmeshed with a culture of privilege, power, wealth and entitlements and with blind obedience the Tory puppet MP's are too willingly obliging.
It is so obvious.

They're not cutting staff surrounding the 'Bedroom Tax', to chase rent arrears from the poorest.
Another grotesque pantheon completely devoid of moral fibre corporate elites financial manoeuvres work our governmental system like a playing a fiddle.
Our democracy serves the corporate oligarchs. Our democracy favours concentrated wealth and our system is most radically anti-democratic.
By Debbie Simmons-Street Democracy.