Chris Hedges- Print this item A Nation of Snitches
Street Democracy writes:
Chris Hedges rightly talks about elites weaponising policies to use against mainstream society by indoctrinating minds to fear 'everyone' doing 'anything' at 'anytime'. The use of propaganda is powerful.
'Sour principles' enlarged by monumental mechanisms squander and obscures
truth by our ruling elites. This mechanism emotionally herds people to believe in the direction the 'legalised terrorist's' (our leaders) want.
With 'corporate' media programmed to 'program the herd mentality',criminalising 'everyone' the
indoctrination is simple and effective as is 'divide
and conquer'.
If you stage 'moral panic', plant social indoctrination, repeat societal propaganda, you can manipulate, 'spellbound' the masses into divisions where before were unheard of.
By inflicting a fierce dialogue and ferocious demeanour at particular members of communities, a siege mentality appears, divisions occur, cracks show of opinions, beliefs differing and causing frictions between groups where once they were none.
By labelling the public as potential 'nasties' there will be many who swallow such 'toxic rubbish'.
Their wilful arrogance is spoon fed to prove commitment to their country, social position, the perfect citizenry perhaps?
The same 'divide and conquer' is in the UK with our recent General Election. The Tory's won the with a 37% majority, and locally gained seats from areas 'never' before were Tory, but Labour.
By trashing those on benefits, the unemployed, disabled people, it causes those working to raise their social status by a mere thread and divisions appear between the workers and the non-workers.
This despite the 'working poor' enduring back breaking, long hours of minimum wage in temporary jobs their lives exhausted and utterly spent in equal misery, socially they feel accepted into mainstream society. The unemployed have been expelled, marginalised and socially disgraced.
So attacking the poorest, those economically just above them are inclined to vote for a more right wing political party to distance themselves from the social disgrace the Tories have labelled the unemployed.
Those desperate to prove their social status as higher because of their employment position to gain the 'Tory' societal approval, until they loose their temporay job and become unemployed, then reality hits home.
The same propaganda, 'divide and conquer' has been used to hype up 'terrorist's'.
'Terrorist' have been placed 'malicously' penetrating innately decent societies to be anyone at anytime. Those insecure members of the public desperate to prove their 'goodness' will demonstrate by potentially informing upon others.
It is '1984 - George Orwell' at best, watch the film if you can.
By Debbie Simmons-Street Democracy
Click to here to watch: 1984 George Orwell (1956) – Full Film
Now read Chris Hedges
A Nation of Snitches Posted on May 10, 2015
By Chris Hedges
A Transportation Security Administration sign at Los Angeles’
main rail terminal, Union Station, urges that suspicious activities be
reported to authorities. It declares, “If You See Something Say
Something.” (AP / Damian Dovarganes)
Totalitarian states record even the most banal of our activities so that when it comes time to lock us up they can invest these activities with subversive or criminal intent. And citizens who know, because of the courage of Edward Snowden, that they are being watched but naively believe they “have done nothing wrong” do not grasp this dark and terrifying logic.