New MPs to be handed 10 per cent pay rise worth £7,000 within months
New MPs to be handed 10 per cent pay rise worth £7,000 within months
‘MPs who were only elected last week are set to receive a backdated an 10 per cent pay rise worth £7,000 within months.
Parliament’s expenses watchdog is planning to a statutory review of MP’s pay in the next few weeks, which will report in the Autumn.
The review is likely to rubber stamp a finding from 2013 that MPs’ pay should increase from £67,060 to £74,000 a year.
The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority said the pay rise would be backdated to last Friday May 8 – the day after the general election.’
Read more: New MPs to be handed 10 per cent pay rise worth £7,000 within months
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David Cameron to unveil new limits on extremists’ activities (freedom of speech)
Street Democracy writes:
Have we the people of Britain, lost control of influencing their government here in the UK?
Does the financial manoeuvres working within our government, our political 'centralised' infrastructure, making government a mere fanciable legalised banking system for the wealthy to further their financial interests?
Our government houses political parties with commercial interests, engaged in a plethora of corporate structures and a financial framework enmeshed with corporate oligarchs influencing agendas for them and not for us.
The MP's seemingly favour the concentrated wealth and all profits are institutionally organised as our democracy is warped to serve corporate elites.
Is it a 'democracy' for those above and police state society and controlled 'totalitarianism' for us below?
We see a 'criminalisation' of the public deemed 'domestic terrorists' unless you overtly prove you're not.
The 'criminalisation' of the protester, the unemployed, homeless people and all those unable to contribute towards a working week and paying taxes.
The corrupt capitalist system that has crudely penetrated our political arenas is being seen by the awakening public and this stems fear into the oligarchs.
Their answer is simple.
The uniformed unsuspecting public have swallowed terrorism and the corporate media overwhelmingly repeats how terrorists have human rights.
They inform us the public, how they can't protect society (with their manufactured planted made up terrorist plots) unless we remove their human rights.
What they fail to say is 'we'll all loose our human rights!'
So we have seen staged false flags, killing innocent lives, a tragic response they receive and rightly so.
Then they let the terrorist off because of human rights issues.They know the response they will get.
Our government officials are a lot of things, but stupid isn't one of them.
This will get the public to denounce their rights and the public will be powerless to ever defend themselves again.
A perfect sophisticated propaganda machine to spew such tactics of divide and conquer, 'you're either a terrorist or your not' works.
By Debbie Simmons-Street Democracy
David Cameron to unveil new limits on extremists’ activities (freedom of speech)
‘A counter-terrorism bill including plans for extremism disruption orders designed to restrict those trying to radicalise young people is to be included in the Queen’s speech, David Cameron will tell the national security council on Wednesday.
The orders, the product of an extremism task force set up by the prime minister, were proposed during the last parliament in March, but were largely vetoed by the Liberal Democrats on the grounds of free speech. They were subsequently revived in the Conservative manifesto.
The measures would give the police powers to apply to the high court for an order to limit the “harmful activities” of an extremist individual. The definition of harmful is to include a risk of public disorder, a risk of harassment, alarm or distress or creating a “threat to the functioning of democracy”.’
Read more: David Cameron to unveil new limits on extremists’ activities (freedom of speech)