Geraldo confronted about Fox News coverage of Baltimore, people are waking up

Geraldo confronted about Fox News coverage of Baltimore, people are waking up

Fox News Gone Wild: The Ludicrous Stories About How Freddie Gray Injured Himself

Friday 1st May 2015 at 10:49 By David Icke

‘Late Wednesday night, the Washington Post dropped a bombshell in the Freddie Gray case: according to a second-hand report from the prisoner who traveled in the same police van, Gray was “banging against the walls” of the van as though he “was intentionally trying to injure himself.” On Fox, Sean Hannity went predictably nuts about the “blockbuster,” and used it to blame President Obama for weighing in on race relations “before the facts are known.”
The Post has done some good reporting from Baltimore, but this “scoop” is curious. Police Commissioner Anthony Batts had previously cited the same prisoner as saying the ride he shared with Gray was quiet and uneventful.
NBC affiliate WBAL’s Jayne Miller took the story apart within about an hour, reporting that the prisoner in question only got aboard on the van’s fourth stop, and was with him for five or six minutes. Gray had been alone in the van, with police, for at least a half hour, Miller said, citing the cops’ own timeline, during which time the vehicle made a curious stop to place the young West Baltimore man in leg irons.’
Read more: Fox News Gone Wild: The Ludicrous Stories About How Freddie Gray Injured Himself

It’s Official: Police Were Ordered To Stand Down And Let The Baltimore Riots Rage Out Of Control

Friday 1st May 2015 at 10:56 By David Icke

‘We now have official confirmation that the rioting in Baltimore on Monday was purposely allowed to spiral out of control. Up until now, there had been some unconfirmed reports that police in Baltimore had been ordered to “stand down” during the riots, but nobody had been willing to come forward and go on the record.
Now that has all changed. Michael Lewis is the Sheriff of Wicomico County, Maryland and what he has to say is absolutely jaw dropping. When he saw what was happening in Baltimore, he gathered up some of his fellow officers and drove down to the city to help.
But when he got there, he says that all of the police were being ordered not to take any action and to let the rioters destroy property. Lewis made this astounding claim during a discussion on a Baltimore radio station…’
Read more: It’s Official: Police Were Ordered To Stand Down And Let The Baltimore Riots Rage Out Of Control