It’s no joke: The FDA is the Fraud and Death Administration
It’s no joke: The FDA is the Fraud and Death Administration
‘The FDA serves the bottom lines of Big Food and Big Pharma. After pharmaceutical companies provide questionable testing reports, they pay the FDA licensing fees for the drugs’ approvals. And Big Food has their way with their ingredients with the FDA.
This type of corruption is not new. In the early 1900s, Dr. Harvey Wiley headed the Bureau of Chemistry, the precursor to today’s FDA. He created a guideline to ban bleaching wheat chemically to produce white flour. This process destroys nutrition and leaves toxins in white flour.
Wiley quit his position after he had become frustrated from the lack of enforcement for his ban. The legacy of unhealthy bleached flour white bread dominated until the 1970s, and is still used today unless specifically labeled as unbleached.’
Read more: It's no joke: The FDA is the Fraud and Death Administration